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Coffee in the Workplace ⎮Learn Why Having An Espresso Machine Is Smart Business

            Blog cover photo showing coffee,computer and books

Ask any business owner or manager what their goals are for their business and those goals will generally fall into one of the following categories:

  • increase productivity,
  • stimulate creativity, 
  • improve performance, 
  • foster a more positive working environment by improving staff morale, and
  • nurture client relationships

Guess what? Coffee in the workplace can achieve all those goals. Read on to discover how adding coffee to your workplace can be beneficial for both the employer and employee and most of all profitability.

How to Improve the Bottom Line

Undoubtedly, CEOs and Harvard business professors have pondered this question at nauseam. If I had to guess, they were probably sipping a cup of coffee while trying to answer this question.  One thing I am certain they would agree upon is that it is never one single thing but a compilation of many small things that set a business apart.  We suggest that one of those small things is having great coffee in the workplace.

Having an espresso machine in the work place is a small cost that can help you achieve these goals. Let’s see how!  Don’t worry it won’t break the bank.  We make a good business case why it is actually cost effective.  

Coffee Simulates Creativity at Work

Steve Johnson in his TED Talk reports that coffee houses were historically the places where creative minds met to plan their next big idea. Companies like Google have replicated this type of environment within their office spaces.  Why did companies like this invest in creating that café ambiance?  They did it specifically to foster creativity and communication. Adding an espresso machine to your office is a simple step to creating a coffee house experience.

Employees want to feel valued

Employees are not always looking for a raise to feel appreciated.  And the fact is, you may not be able to give your employees a raise, but you can provide added value to their job.

When employees can have an excellent coffee-based beverage or tea at work and they don’t have leave to get their own, you have saved them money.  You have also save yourself money because  employees won't be ready to leave and spend extra time away from their duties just to go get coffee at the local café.

Customer Satisfaction

Customers are the heart of any business. Having an espresso or cappuccino to offer your client or customer shows them that you care. You are giving something to them before you ask anything in return, which will encourage them to come back.


Not everyone drinks coffee, but many will gladly accept an espresso-based drink. Espresso machines give you the option of creating many drinks that can impress your employees and clients, like an Americano, lattes, hot chocolate, cappuccino, tea, and much more.  One machine keeps the office kitchen free of excessive appliances and keeps the environment looking clean and clutter free. 

Fosters Relationships

Simon Sinek, in Millennial Paradox, reviews why millennials are hard to manage and retain. He says companies need to find ways to help young staff develop relationships with each other. Have them put away the cell phone, give them an espresso or latte, and have them talk to one another before a meeting.  This simple step is the first one to creating job satisfaction.

Many businesses think that investing in a machine is really cost prohibitive but if you sit down and do the math, you will be pleasantly surprised.  Check out this graphic that shows how machines really pay for themselves. They present a very convincing argument on why investing in an espresso machine makes good business sense.

Espresso Canada Infographic Keep You Coffee Budget in Check

Hopefully you are the person who makes the decision on what kind of coffee equipment you will have in your office or business.  If not, we have provided you with some really compelling arguments you can bring to the person who does.

In this day and age of competition an employer struggles to find the best personnel and when they do they need to work hard to keep the best personnel. Businesses also need to ensure they are creating a climate of job satisfaction all the while attracting new clients If coffee can help you achieve all this, investing in an espresso machine seem like a small price to pay.

Tell us about your office coffee program in the comments.

Looking for a machine for your workplace, visit us and we will help you find the right one to fit your needs.


Comments (2 Responses)

10 December, 2022

New Office Space

You’ve written it so nicely, and you’ve come up with some great ideas. This is a fantastic post!

14 October, 2020

katie quinn

This is an entirely decent blog with a lot of cool data. I visited your blog while I am looking for Gaggia Classic Pro Coffee machine then i found this article this is so amazing to read , much obliged for your bits of knowledge on the processor. But the information you stated there is amazing to read. I liked your post

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